Lucas Scheinkerman
Software Engineer
About Me

Hi there! I'm a Software Engineer with 4+ years of experience.
Currently working as Robotics Simulation Engineer at Unreal Empowerment, helping to simulate the (yet) Unreal!
Always looking for new awesome technical challenges, eager to learn new things and do meaningful work that impacts positively in our world. I love to learn new stuff, understand how complex systems work, and transform theoretical ideas into real things. Translated into my work, I love all aspects of complex systems design and implementation.
From coding low-level C routines, to solving high-level problems using the most suitable data structures and algorithms, I find exciting each and everyone of the layers.
My main tech stack
Frameworks, libraries & tools
Work experience

Robotics simulation Engineer
Unreal EmpowermentJune 2023 - Present
I develop simulation tools to generate artificial datasets for training
AI-based aircraft navigation algorithms, ensuring compliance with specific requirements.
I use C++ for core development and Unreal Engine for high-fidelity
visual rendering, enhancing the realism of simulations.
Also I employ Python for implementing ROS nodes and handling API
client calls, effectively integrating various technologies to produce
robust and accurate training environments.

Infrastructure Software Engineer
EkumenSeptember 2019 - May 2022
- Designed and implemented data collection and ingestion pipelines using Python’s Apache Beam SDK, optimizing data processing workflows.
- Developed Android applications focused on sensor data collection, augmented reality (AR) features, and live data plotting using Android Java SDK and C++.
- In charge of code integration, testing, maintenance, and review to ensure high-quality software.
- Mentored new hires in introductory-level C++ training, enhancing their foundational programming skills.
- Conducted technical interviews, assessing candidate qualifications and technical expertise.
- Participated in research group using ROS and SLAM techniques.